Dongwu Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Aksu-Kalpin region. The Dongwu Fm was named by Gao Zhenjia et al. in 1986 and formally published by Lu Songnian et al. in 1992. The typical section is located in Dongwu, 4 km southeast of Yourmeinak village, and the reference section is in Qiaoenbulak, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). Highest formation of Qiaoenbulak Gr.
Synonym: (东屋组)
Lithology and Thickness
The Dongwu Fm is composed of thick-bedded, massive pebbly grit, sandy conglomerate intercalated with minor grayish green fine sandstone and siltstone. The thickness of the Dongwu Formation is 175 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
With an obvious sedimentation hiatus, the basal part rests disconformably or locally unconformably onto the underlying Muyangtan Fm
Upper contact
The Dongwu Fm is unconformably overlain by the Yourmeinak tillite where there are well-preserved glacial pavements, or it is immediately overlapped by the Upper Sinian Sugetbulak Formation if the tillite is absent.
Regional extent
Aksu-Kalpin region.
Besides few microplants, only the trace fossil (Planolites sp.) was reported.
Depositional setting
It has graded beddings (fine gravel to coarse to medium to fine sand-silt), which represents the character of the E graded part of Bouma turbidite beds. Each graded bed has a recorded thickness of 60 to 120 cm, and its surface has underwater wash on which some undulatories are similar to watercourse. It is thus considered to have been deposited in or near the deep-water supply channel of an underwater fan (Lu Songnian et al. 1990).
Additional Information